Leucorrhoea (Shwetapradara or White Discharge)

Leucorrhoea is commonly known as “white discharge.” Ayurveda refers leucorrhoea to Shwetapradara. This word means excessive white discharge. It is believed to be caused by aggravation or vitiation of kapha dosha. This commonly occurs in patients who are weak, emaciated, and anaemic. Most women experience a certain amount of vaginal secretion, which is the body’s natural way of cleansing, lubrication, and guarding the vagina against infections.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Like the mouth and anus, the mucous membrane of the vagina constantly sheds and replaces its cells, passing them out of the body in the form of mucous secretion. This secretion occurs due to the action of cervical and endometrial glands and also because of the activity of bacteria which live harmlessly in a normal, healthy vagina. On the other hand, an abnormal vaginal discharge may be grey-white, yellow or green, brown or rusty. The consistency may be clumpy and thick or thin and liquid. There is usually a very offensive odour, and it may cause irritation and reddening of the part.

If the discharge is thick and white and there is an itching sensation, it may be due to vaginal thrush, caused by a yeast-like fungus, the commonest cause of leucorrhoea. It may also occur in women suffering from diabetes or those who are being treated with antibiotics for some other condition. If the discharge is greenish-yellow and has an unpleasant smell, it could be due to trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted disease, but it may also be transmitted via toilet articles from one woman to another, or perhaps you might have forgotten to remove a tampon or diaphragm.

If the discharge is brown, like blood, and usually follows intercourse, it may probably be due to cervical erosion. If the discharge is spotted with blood, either mid-period or following intercourse, it may be due to a cervical polyp. If a low back, or an abdominal pain accompanies the discharge, and you feel sick, it may be due to an infection of the pelvic organs (pelvic inflammatory disease). Leucorrhoea may also be noticed in females who are suffering from tuberculosis, anaemia as also in those who have a general low resistance power, maintain poor local hygiene and those who use excess of vaginal medications such as strong disinfectants. Women who are constantly under stress and are anxious by nature may also complain of leucorrhoea.


An increase in the amount of vaginal discharge , an abnormal odor or consistency of the fluid, or pain, itching, or burning that accompanies vaginal discharge ,Irregular periods , pains of the abdomain, Backache, Weakness, Loss of appetite, appearance of black patches around the eyes. can all be signs of infection or other more serious disorders.


The problem of leucorrhoea or white Discharge can be effectively treated and further prevented only by Natural herbal Ayurvedic Medicines & Therapies.